Child Protection and Fabricated and Induced Illness Conference 17th March 2021
INTRODUCTION TO THE PARENT AND CARER ALLIANCE C.I.C. followed by the first presentation:
CHILD PROTECTION PROCEDURES – Duncan Siret Independent Social Worker and Alliance Adviser, discusses what they are, how they should work, and where to get help.
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DISABILITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT POLICIES AND PARENTAL BLAME – Professor Luke Clements, Cerebra Professor of Law and Social Justice, discusses diverting families to generic ‘children in need’ (CiN) assessors, offering only short-term support responses that locate the problem in the parent and not in the special need for support that arise due to the child’s additional needs.
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CHILD PROTECTION TRENDS – Professor Andy Bilson, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire, presents research which shows a dramatic increase in child protection investigations leading to a situation in which one child in every 16 in England is investigated before their fifth birthday, looking at national and local trends.
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FABRICATED AND INDUCED ILLNESS – Professor Andy Bilson, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire, discusses critical evaluation of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health guidance, and publications by Bass and Glaser, on FII. Review of health and social work policy and practice and suggestions of ways that these can change so that children’s social care can play an important role in protecting children from both fabricated illness and the harms caused by mis-identification.
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