David Ashley, the National Training and Development Manager for Mark Bates Ltd and their sister company, the Independent Living Group, will discuss how to ensure direct payments adequately cover all costs in being an employer and what to do if they do not.
He will also cover how to challenge the LA if a direct payment package is not adequate and how to deal with over bureaucratic LA’s frequently auditing, raising inappropriate use of funds and removing of funds and discuss the original purpose and ethos of direct payments and how this has been eroded- and the impact of this.
To download a handout for this webinar click here
COMPLAINTS WEBINAR Tuesday, 22 March⋅11:00am – 12:30pm
Duncan Siret has worked with the Parent and Carer Alliance since August 2018 and has built up a lot of experience as a parent advocate. Before retirement he worked with Gloucestershire County Council’s Children Services for 30 plus years. He has been a social worker, social work team manager, Child Protection Conference Team Manager, and Complaints Manager amongst other roles. Click here to find out more about Duncan and his role as our Advocate.
Duncan will go through both children services complaints procedures – Corporate and Social Care, to explain how to make a effective complaint and what to expect from Gloucestershire County Council once a complaint has been made, and will also explain what can be done if you don’t get a good response.
The principles for making an effective complaint apply to all agencies, health, housing etc., so if you feel you need to make a complaint or you are struggling with a complaint that has already been made, this seminar is for you.
To download a handout for this webinar click here
To download the guidance “Getting the Best from Complaints – Social Care Complaints and Representations for Children, Young People and Others” click here
To download guidance on collecting your data using a subject access request click here
Local Government and Social care Ombudsman reports – click here for “Effective Complaint Handling for local authorities”, and click here for ”Are we getting the best from children’s social care complaints?”
Professor Luke Clements discusses ‘How to get a worthwhile carers assessment, that provides support for the parent carer’ – Challenging the idea that local authorities have no duty to provide support following from a parent carer’s assessment.
To download a handout for this webinar click here
Speakers and topics:
CHILD PROTECTION PROCEDURES – Duncan Siret Independent Social Worker and Alliance Adviser, discusses what they are, how they should work, and where to get help
DISABILITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT POLICIES AND PARENTAL BLAME – Professor Luke Clements, discusses diverting families to generic ‘children in need’ (CiN) assessors, offering only short-term support responses that locate the problem in the parent and not in the special need for support that arise due to the child’s additional needs.
CHILD PROTECTION TRENDS – Professor Andy Bilson, presents research which shows a dramatic increase in child protection investigations, looking at national and local trends.
FABRICATED AND INDUCED ILLNESS – Professor Andy Bilson discusses critical evaluation of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health guidance, and publications by Bass and Glaser, on FII.
For the recordings of these talks click here
Professor Luke Clements, the Cerebra Professor of Law and Social Justice at Leeds University – Assessing the social care needs of disabled children and their families: How it should be done and what to do when things go wrong. For a handout to accompany the webinar click here