If you have the desire to make a real difference and ensure the voices of children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities, and their families, are at the heart of everything you do, then please apply for our current job opportunities.
We are looking to recruit another Family Support Worker, click here for more details and an independent social worker, click here for more details.
You will need to be able to work from home, and the work is variable and mostly flexible – cases will be referred to you for you to accept or decline – however, as families are depending on you to be reliable – once you have accepted a case you will expected to travel and attend meetings as necessary. Your hours will vary according to your availability, funding being available, and the number and complexity of requests for support.
If you would like to apply for either of these roles then click here for an application form.
For an open and informal discussion regarding these roles, then please contact
Parent and Carer Alliance CIC is an independent, not-for-profit organisation who works with over 1900 families whose children have additional needs to ensure they feel less alone, more recognised and supported to have a choice of opportunities and that they gain strength, advice, and support from what we offer.
We work to ensure families have a voice in the decision-making processes which affect their lives, can access their rights, and feel more able to champion getting the needs of their vulnerable children met. We contribute valuable lived experience when working for positive change on disability issues in local and national projects.
We have 3 Directors – Lucy Fullard (Founder and CEO), Louise Arnold and Alice Gardner. Our advocacy and SEN support services have our Head of SEN Support – Beth Edmonds, and 3 family support workers – Ria Allen, Laura Grace and Jody Nayegon. We are all parent carers with lived experience of both the challenges and joy this brings. We all work part-time around our caring responsibilities, doing our best to give as much support to families as possible. We also have access to amazing independent social workers – Deborah Ryding and Duncan Siret, who we fund to assist with our advocacy services.
To express an interest in either role, get in touch with us at